23 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Hindi to Punjabi Machine Translation System

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    Machine Translation in India is relatively young. The earliest efforts date from the late 80s and early 90s. The success of every system is judged from its evaluation experimental results. Number of machine translation systems has been started for development but to the best of author knowledge, no high quality system has been completed which can be used in real applications. Recently, Punjabi University, Patiala, India has developed Punjabi to Hindi Machine translation system with high accuracy of about 92%. Both the systems i.e. system under question and developed system are between same closely related languages. Thus, this paper presents the evaluation results of Hindi to Punjabi machine translation system. It makes sense to use same evaluation criteria as that of Punjabi to Hindi Punjabi Machine Translation System. After evaluation, the accuracy of the system is found to be about 95%

    Text-To-Speech Synthesis System for Punjabi Language

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    This paper discusses the approach used to develop a Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesis system for the Punjabi text written in Gurmukhi script. Concatenative method has been used to develop this TTS system using syllables as the basic units of concatenation. After analyzing a carefully selected Punjabi corpus, we have selected nearly thirty three hundred syllables out of about ninety three hundred valid Punjabi syllables. The system is based on a Punjabi speech database that contains the starting and ending positions of syllable-sounds labeled carefully in a wave file of recorded words. The input text is first processed and then syllabified with an automatic syllabification algorithm that has been developed based on grammatical rules of Punjabi language. Then these syllables are searched in the database for corresponding syllable-sound positions in recorded wave file. The paper also discusses the criteria used for the selection of these syllables and the minimum number of words those cover these syllables for recoding

    LEHAL ,―Syllables Selection for the Development of Speech Database for Punjabi TTS

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    Abstract The Selection of the speech unit and then the number of speech units for the speech database is one of the important and tedious job. Syllables have been reported as good choice of speech unit for speech database of many languages. For this work also, syllables have been selected as the speech unit for the development of the Punjabi speech database. For minimizing the database size, efforts have been made for the selection of the minimal set of syllables covering almost whole Punjabi word set. To accomplish this all Punjabi syllables have been statistically analyzed on the Punjabi corpus having more than 104 million words. This analysis helped to select a relatively smaller syllable set (about first ten thousand syllables (0.86% of total syllables)) of most frequently occurring syllables having cumulative frequency of occurrence (FOO) less than 99.81%, out of 1156740 total available syllables. Also to improve the efficiency of the text-to-speech (TTS) system; interesting facts about Punjabi syllables have been obtained based on their FOO at the three (starting, middle and end) positions in the words

    A Survey of Text Summarization Extractive Techniques

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